Aligned with the ambitious goal to sustainably produce 100,000 tonnes of nickel with zero injuries, the SafeWork Training Centre is crucial – not only to train colleagues for the scenarios they might find themselves in, but also to raise awareness as to what a slight lack of focus can lead to.
It is important to pay attention to the details, as it is small mistakes that need to be eliminated in order to reach the goal of zero injuries. This applies to both employees and contractors, all of whom receive their trainings together at the SafeWork Training Centre.
Pragmatically designed through constructive collaboration
Manager Tom Michael Øksendal and Supervisor Occupational Safety, Kurt Gulliksen, are among the experienced trainers who put participants to the test, broaden their horizons and demonstrate the challenges of what it means to be part of Nikkelverk’s skilled workforce.
“When we set out to build a safety training facility for employees and contractors, the goal was to provide a hands-on, interactive experience in a setting that reflected the equipment and work conditions at Nikkelverk,” says Tom Michael.
The SafeWork Training Centre is complete with an industrial rig made of pipes and raised platforms. With a platform that is 13 metres above the ground, even the Working at Heights Protocol can be practised in a realistic yet safe environment.
“We develop relevant training sessions, aligned with the developments happening in both the project and production environments. This is how we stay up to date, test new products and evaluate them. There are many skilled people at Nikkelverk who contribute to this advancement, including the NBS Centre (Nikkelverk Business Systems, in short a business improvement system), which is an important supporter of our work,” he says.
Achieving success through constant evolution
At the SafeWork Training Centre, we prioritize preventive and life-saving training. We ensure that documentation is informative, engaging and useful for both operators and management teams. We have created a common approach to the key topics that need to be in place in order to prevent serious incidents or fatalities at work.
One of the critical success factors for the SafeWork Training Centre is simple, yet powerful communications.
“We know that 'Learning by doing' has the greatest effect compared to other types of training, but at the same time, we as trainers must be sufficiently involved in the production, design and maintenance work so we can ensure relevance and timely development,” explains Tom Michael.
The result of this work has so far been overwhelmingly positive. Employees and contractors alike have better knowledge and understanding of FHPs in risk assessments, and the quality of reporting has also improved